Sunday, February 20, 2011

My testimony: When I was five, I remember sitting at the kitchen table with my mom and praying to accept Jesus into my heart. I grew up in a Christian home and went to church every Sunday with my family. As a child I loved hearing Bible stories at church and learning about Jesus, but it wasn't until I was older that I realized being a Christian meant more than just hearing stories about a man who died on a cross to save the world. During my high school years I wandered from God and wanted to be in control of my own life. I was having fun, I was blessed with a great family and friends and I did not see the importance of wanting to pursue a relationship with the God who created the universe. At the end of my senior year I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and at this moment in my life I realized I was not in control. It was a huge struggle for me to accept that I had a disease, and even harder to accept that Crohn's is a chronic disease. At first I depended completely on my parents and doctors, for some reason I thought they would be able to heal me. It wasn't long before I realized that Jesus was the only one that I could place my trust in, and that HE was the only one that had the power to heal me. I had to come to Liberty a semester late because of my Crohn's disease, but during Spiritual Emphasis in the Spring of 2009 I rededicated my life to Christ. My relationship with God has grown leaps and bounds in the past three years. Although I have gone through some of the toughest, scariest times in my life because of Crohn's disease, I can look back on them and clearly see how God brought me through them, and strengthened my relationship with Him. I am soooo thankful for salvation, and consider myself extremely blessed to be able to able to continue to grow in my relationship with Jesus. I would have no hope for my life if I had not placed my trust in the ONLY ONE who has the power to save.